Clive Harrison ☉

H2i Insurance Brokers


The world of commercial insurance can sometimes bewilder even the most experienced business person and frankly speaking, insurance ‘salespeople’ can often attract a fair amount of criticism.

We believe that every business should have insurance that is appropriate and fit for purpose and take great pride in the thoroughness of the business insurance review process that we offer to all clients and potential clients.

Often, we save you money simply by ensuring that you have insurance appropriate to your needs and in doing this we develop trust, leaving you secure in the knowledge that we never ‘sell’ a product but just give you all the help you need to make an informed decision and then deal with the insurers on your behalf.

Unlike many other insurers we see our regular policy reviews as an opportunity to streamline insurance spend, maintaining an appropriate level of cover and organising policies to reduce risk profile, while often reducing costs.

H2i is supported by Momentum Insurance Services, this not only gives us increased presence, market influence and buying power it also affords us complete confidence in the highly regulated area of financial compliance.

Trust is the non-negotiable part of our business that helps us to flourish in a competitive market.

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